Sunday, June 3, 2007

Death by Lunges

OK, I started 'back' to my workouts last week. It's the 'back' part that gets me. Going 'back' means I have taken a leave of absence, which means I'm on a path that moves not forward, but in a circle. Kind of like the end of the Blair Witch Project, 'Didn't we pass that tree already?!?!' And just as scary.

I like the classes at the YMCA, except for one thing of which I will scribble on a comment card very soon. They put a FULL LENGTH mirror up that covers BOTH sides of the room! You cannot escape. Into the fantasy. That you look anything like the instructor. So, as I waltzed into said room for my favorite Body Pump class, feeling good, healthy, even proud, I caught a glance at what my hiatus-plus-Blue Bell had done to my mid section. I spent the rest of the class trying to think of similes about my feelings. Never got a good one. Here's a few.

"Her stomach followed her into the room like an obnoxious friend."
"Her stomach stared back at her like the judgmental priest in the confessional."
"Her stomach drew unwelcome attention like prison time during the job interview."

These are awful, I know.

Then, during biceps, I was staring at the instructor. Her arms were pure rope, her stomach ripped, her encouraging words clear of any huffing and puffing. Then, an amazing thing happened, as I realized I will NEVER look ANYTHING like her. I started to see each person in the room, and go with me here, as a different kind of dog (Yes, I need help. Please see last blog for more evidence.)

Why haven't humans been categorized this way?? I, for example, would be a Labrador Retriever. Friendly, loyal, family oriented, slightly chubby with a love of naps. The instructor, on the other hand, is clearly something like, say, a Jack Russell Terrier. Wiry, busy, not that into eating, and impossibly devoid of body fat. Me, Lab, her, terrier. Labs will never be terriers. And vice versa. This realization actually made me feel good . . . free. As I mentioned earlier, forty is coming sooner than later, and I am more and more comfortable just being me. As we moved onto abs, and I 'pulsed for three', I knew that all I had to do was be the best Lab I could be. Oh happy day! (wag, wag:)

On a more negative note, the person who invented the lunge must die. Die a slow death. Perhaps by doing the tortuous move they created. Yes, death by lunges. The person would be dragged into a ring, Coliseum style, and made to perform lunges until they died, or lost consciousness, while all us fat bottomed girls watched. Eating Blue Bell.

: :

Mom, this is for you. I know it will make you 'big as the sky' happy:)

I had nothing to do with it. I will never remove wallpaper again since my Albany experience when I stripped the first layer of skin off my hands -- eek! Joe and his mini-me did it. So cute! (Mini-me was sad. She liked the giant flowers:)

Downstairs bathroom.

Upstairs bathroom.

Home improvement with a tiara.


m.e. said...

I SO enjoyed reading about your body pump experience, and I love, love, love the doggy analogy. Hmmmm, makes me wonder what kind of dog I am. I'll have to think on that one, but it does include one with a slightly plump bottom. Good luck with the bathroom. I want to BURN my living room right now and flog myself for ever wanting to repaint it.

allie said...

Oh, girl! Lordy, Lordy, you are in good company with the home improvement . . . shall we call it, frustration. I have an entire BOTTLE of wine worth of stories about that lovely subject:) If I had the money back for every gallon of paint we bought, but didn't use . . . well, I hate to think about it!

I have to run, my boyfriend, Barak, is on tv tonight :) TTYL

Michael Fargo said...

Well, I want that tiara....

Stacy said...

I love your dog analogy! I have come to the conclusion that I will never ever wear a bikini ever, ever, ever. Even if I did get rid of the layer of fluff on my middle, having two kids 17 months apart after 30 has left some skin elasticity issues. Not pretty.

Your daughter in her tiara scraping off the wallpaper is just too cute. :)

allie said...

Princess doing demolition:) Gotta love it!

m.e. said...

Yes, the $$ spent on unused paint makes me want to, well, find some bare wall somewhere in our neighborhood to paint at midnight with it. Can you see me, sneaking out in my PJs to splash paint that would otherwise go unused on an unsuspecting surface? This is the stuff my deranged fantasies are made of. Aren't you glad you're my friend? ;-)

allie said...

Oh, I like it! We could wear black cat suits and sneak around the neighborhood in the middle of the night painting white walls . . . because nothing makes me more angry than a white wall:) hee!

Billie said...

Somewhere the wallpaper gods are rejoicing. :-)
The Princess doing demolition is just the cutest thing!! What an angel.